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“Tennis is a wonderful tool that allows people to exceed their limits, embrace their potential and express their personalities.”* How do you get this tool? You get a coach.

Have you ever thought how a book might be a coach, like a tennis bible? Google “tennis bible” and at the top of your results you will find The Tennis Technique Bible by Chris Lewit. It is “The Essential Reference for Mastering World-Class Strokes and Footwork.” Next in search results is The Tennis Parent’s Bible by Frank Giampaolo. Its serves as “an essential guide for the competitive junior tennis player, parent and coach.”

Moving beyond tennis, how do you exceed your limits, embrace your potential, and express your personality? Lots of self-help books here to coach you.

What about The Bible to coach you in life beyond tennis? It contains thousands of years of wisdom, a huge variety of stories to guide you from the deepest despair to the heights of joy. And it is uniquely different from any other book in that it is alive; its words breath life and can be your personal coach to change you in ways you may have thought to be impossible.

The Bible: a real, live coach on your bookshelf.

Photo by Richard Sagredo on Unsplash

*Quotation source unknown.

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